Saturday, July 23, 2011

Welcome to Quilter's Dozen!

Hi all! I'm so excited you've decided to join with me on this little adventure. I'm quite excited to see how it goes. I am hoping to learn a lot, create a lot, and enjoy your company. Here are the basics for Quilter's Dozen...
This virtual quilting bee is a way for us to "get together" and help each other on our quilts just like all those women did so many years ago. We will have 12 members. Each member will be assigned to a month (see sidebar). When it is your assigned month, you will mail fabric and block instructions to the 11 other quilters. The 11 quilters will then make the blocks and mail them back to that month's bee member. Then the bee member can assemble and complete the quilt on her own.

If you would like, you can post pictures to the blog or email them to Mary and she will post them on the blog. This way we can all see each others' work and see how each of us was inspired by the directions given. Also feel free to blog about the creative quilting process and your thoughts about any aspect of the bee.

If you have any favorite quilting sites, let me know! I'll add them to the list over on the sidebar!

At the end of the year, we will have help create 12 quilts and hopefully stretched ourselves in skill and creativity. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all through this quilting bee and through your sewing.

Happy quilting!!